Thursday, April 14, 2011

Best blog friend award!

I was so suprised when I got this award from Tisha. She is a great girl, I love here projects and she is always so nice. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! She is a new blogger and could use some more followers so please go and check her out.

There are only two rules for this award:

1. Post about it on your blog , and link back to the sender, and thank them. 

2. Pass onto those who visit you regularly and leave comments.

So I love everyone one of my followers and it is super hard for me to award this to just a few. Here goes

Oh and Tisha if I can re-award her! 

I know that there are more of you that I would like to award and I may add to this list, but these ladies alway comment on my blog and give me lots of encouragement! Thank you all so very much!

Thank you all for your support!
Crafty Hugs 


  1. Congrats on your award, and thanks for passing it along to me!

  2. Thank you SO MUCH Sarah, that is so nice of you ! I will post it proudly on my blog award page ! YOu are awesome!

  3. Congratulations to you Sarah on your award and thank you for thinking of me.

  4. Thank you SO much! I sincerely apologize for being so late in picking this up. My kiddos have been sick.


I love getting your wonderful comments! Please leave me some love!